Tips for a Perfect Christmas Celebration with a New Family

There is no place like home and celebrating Christmas right at my hometown is great fun. In Cebu, Philippines, life is paradise if you have seen the beauty in it. Let's hear my experience - Xmas 2012.
Belen, the nativity story

Do you always feel happy every Christmas? How not to worry during Christmas season?
  1. Pray.
  2. Take a deep breath.
  3. Enjoy stories or good talk with family members or friends.
  4. Leave office work and live the day.
  5. Live by your means.
  6. Think that Jesus was born in a humble manger (no money worry).
  7. Go to church.
  8. Happy heart always.
  9. Listen to Christmas music.
  10. Don't forget to share your blessings.
Philippine celebration of Christmas season starts every September, because we notice that it is the beginning of the "ber" months meaning, going to the month of Decem "ber" which is the Christmas month.
I have been celebrating Christmas many years around my hometown since I was a child. Only this time that I write some exciting and the most amazing Christmas I've ever had. I get closer to God, know the greatest value of a FAMILY and able to change myself into a better person.
I am exciting in a sense that I find this Christmas different from my experience before. Came from a poor family, I just go to church and go home, sleep early or drink with friends every Christmas season in my hometown. This time, I have this new family which is very religious, very dedicated hard worker, has higher philosophy in life and above average level family in the society.
The Christmas Lights

Tips to be have good relationship with your new family (your in-laws):

1. Learn to listen always.
2. Accept good and bad behavior always.
3. Be humble always.
4. Serve all family members always.
5. Pray for them always.
I used to listen to them but this time, I get to interact with them freely and so far we have no problem. I mean I am used to them just like a real family. To this inspiration of thanking God for these blessings, I was very much happy to setup the things for Christmas.
From the carousel (inflatable), to the series lights, to the blinking stars, to the candy cane decor-movable and lighting, to the Nativity Scene (manger) lights, etc. Reflecting on the day when Jesus was born and singing Christmas songs (my hobby), I finished the setting up of these things for just few hours. The feeling of attachment to a Supreme Being (Our God) while arranging and decorating Christmas lanterns, etc. are unimaginable.
Therefore, serving the Lord by doing things you are happy with is intrinsically awesome. I don't know! I just don't know how I feel that time until today. I hope God will lead me the right way (with you guys, my family and friends).
This is the reason I wrote this humble hub, to share the feelings and the experience being with the high being called, God.
There you go in the pictures, you can see my setup. You can see the inflatable carousel in front, also with the house dog Diego bothering me (playing me, LOL!) around while taking photos.
After the Christmas Eve, we have the delicious food served.
The next day in the morning, we went to a Family Day party in the office of my mother-in-law and I was taking some pictures from her office.
I always believe that you cannot put a good person down and no matter how you turn that person down, later, that person could still emerge and flourish as a good individual.
Happy Family

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